Archive | January, 2012

Gmen Going back to the Super Bowl

23 Jan

Watch the Pros

22 Jan

With the rapid increase in strength and conditioning training, offers us an in-depth look at the greatest athlete’s in the world and their training routines, along with the top trainers in the world.  It’s a great site for Physical Education teachers and coaches to gain new ideas and theories on the direction physical education and strength and conditioning is heading in.

The Best Kept Secret

22 Jan


One of the greatest learning experiences I’ve received as an athlete came to me when I was introduced to John Furia, founder of Xceleration Sports Training in Deer Park, Long Island.  Xceleration has continued to stay ahead of the curve with the latest training methods for athletes of all ages, and levels of expertise. The only problem is that from a geographic standpoint, inner-city athlete’s cannot travel to this gym on a consistent basis and, in result, they will never have the opportunity to hear about or train at one of the best facilities on the east coast.  I have added a link to the website, where you can get a closer look on what younger inner-city athlete’s in New York are missing out on.


20 Jan


So I was just fooling around with my space and getting comfortable with how things work so I posted a random highlight video from the power forward from The LA Clippers, Blake Griffin.  Unfortunately it was against the Knicks but I think we still won the game.

Phys Ed How To Assignment

20 Jan

I made this video using QuickTime for the mac book.  It was pretty simple except I forgot to add the microphone in the first time.  When I played it back and didn’t hear anything I was a little thrown off.

Serendipitous Connections

18 Jan

So I came across a website that seems really great for anybody who is a PE k-12 major in this class.  I googled “Physical education blog posts” and found a really cool idea for applying technology to enhance physical education.  I like that this person isn’t settling with the same old ideas and seems to really be pushing for new ways to keep their class interesting for their students.  Apple products are so huge now and have apps that apply to just about everything, so why not try to incorporate it into class?  This is also important for aspiring physical education teachers because we will have to be able to show future employers how we can apply technology to our classroom.

Keurig Coffee Making

18 Jan

Recording this video and posting it on youtube was very simple.  I did not use quick time or media player.  Once I set up my youtube account, I clicked on “upload” and it allowed me to record a video using the camera on my macbook.  When the video was done recording it only took a few seconds to finalize it, add a title, and post it on the web.  I recorded a version on my Iphone as well but, uploading it didn’t go as smoothly as I thought it would.  I found that using the macbook camera was very easy.


17 Jan

So during my edupunk research, I decided to simply just type “edupunk” into youtube and see what videos I would find.  I think this video is pretty cool, it has a rebellious vibe to it.  It compares older teaching styles to rusty chains that need to be broken. I think edupunk represents the change or evolution in the way in which students are learning.  When i first started my reading on edupunk and DIY style of learning I immediately thought back to a statistics course I took last semester.  I didn’t buy a textbook or take a ton of notes.  I googled my way through the whole class and received a B.

Rhizomatic Learning

16 Jan

Hey guys, I came across this video after reading Dave Cormier’s blog post on Rhizomatic Learning.  I was a little unsure of what to even think after reading it, so I youtubed “Rhizomatic Learning” and this video helped me understand the concept more clearly.  For the most part,  all I have been exposed to as a student is the “assembly line” style of education that he refers to in this video.

As an aspiring Physical Education teacher I think you have to have a good amount of structure to your class.  I think that a class of 10 year old “Nomads” could add up to a broken leg or bloody nose.  However, I do think that creating a learning environment that inspires creativity is important as well.  As a physical education  teacher I would strive to give my students as many options possible to staying physically active beyond the schoolyard or gymnasium.  I think it is important to show them the different types of physical activity that may appeal to them, not just the usual phys. ed. sports such as basketball, soccer, football and softball.

I think that a successful learner would show that he/she can explore different types of physical activity that they find fun and may help them live a healthier lifestyle.



Undergraduate Studies

15 Jan

What’s up everyone?  My name is Matt McDevitt and this is my first year here at York College.  Prior to coming to York College I attended NYIT in Old Westbury, Long Island. Sorry for posting this so late but if I had to sum up my undergraduate experience at New York Institute of Technology, this picture pretty much hit the nail on the head.  I spent a lot of my college career just going through the motions without any real direction or motivation.